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Eureka ebonite feed 4G v4 (developed) while researching the adaptation for music nib, original feed seemed to lack the feeding capability. through research, the following has been discovered. by adding addtional top rib structure, the flow of feed increased by 2~3x easily. *the round grooves are for dual heart hole of music nib. from now on all eureka custom fountain pens will get this adaptation. for the owners of previous gen eure..
ebonite Captop for #3776 century developed (Round)
ebonite Captop for #3776 century developed (Flat) with the development of ebonite captop, now it is possible to do urushi coating on this type of pen, after proper surface treatment. captop ring has been removed to gurantee better urushi fit / finish compared to original captop. original captop is attached to the cap via a plastic rod that extends from the inside of the captop in the photo below, it only shows the broken area where the rod used..
The first prototype This is the first eureka prototype that started eureka fountain pen. recently, of the two ever created, i sent one to one of my avid user. the last one will be kept inside display, and will not be for sale.
. slight discoloring: red arrow (original material discolored)
Relocating Factory... Production will be very limited for months
. please do note the blue arrow although it looks like scratch, the urushi surface is smooth the straight line is in the underneath layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ■■■■ urushi penrest included (high quality walnut/maple) (random color sent) *** this penrest is for long-term displaying. never rub the urushi penrest against the p..
. nib point says F, but, due to additional nib point custom grinding it is close to FM in thickness it is smoother than F nib nib point says F, but, due to additional nib point custom grinding it is close to FM in thickness it is smoother than F nib
. engraved area slightly recessed (surface is smooth to touch) engraved area slightly recessed (surface is smooth to touch)
. minor defect (surface is smooth, only color difference)
. ink from testing (just use any ink and it will be gone)